Almost from 30 Years (more than 41000 hours) Shri Rajesh is meditating & doing Yog Sadhana , Bakti ..... Shri Rajesh is Guiding Meditation , Spirituality from his childhood ... People from America, Canada, Britain, France, Switzerland, Netherland, Germany, Brazil, Spain, Russia as well as Japan , Honkong , Dubai , etc. countries are interested in True Spiritualty.... Shri Rajesh is a Charismatic speaker who is famous in India and worldwide people via spiritual talks, ideologies and positive thinking. He is also known for blissful Guidance. Shri Rajesh is a National Scholar , Gold Medallist in Humanities , PhD ( Hinduism) , Wrote historic Books Volumes on Ancient India , Medieval India , Contemporary India , World History , Spiritualty , Meditation world , etc.... Make Sadhana for Enlightenment..... Shri Rajesh established Roysmi Spiritual Mission with his oracle ( Eshrai ) - smt Samata, Smt. Sonalee , Shri Vinod, Shri Judev ji . Shri Rajesh is Teaching, Guiding & Inspiring. We are contributing for 200 Countries on earth.....